Development JavaScript Plugin Development WordPress Wiring WordPress Media Uploader Into Your Web App January 31, 2017February 6, 2023Lance Cleveland As predicted, the “premium” theme I purchased to make things happen on the HereMusic.Live site needs more tweaking. Today I am diving into the proper way to wire the WordPress…Continue readingWiring WordPress Media Uploader Into Your Web App
Music Technology Configuring VirtualBox As A nginx RTMP Server November 27, 2016Lance Cleveland Intro This is how I went about building a version of nginx that supports RTMP media streaming on an Ubuntu 16.04 VirtualBox. It is not a simple plug-and-play exercise but…Continue readingConfiguring VirtualBox As A nginx RTMP Server
Licensing Music Is ASCAP Lacking Web Technology Expertise? May 31, 2016Lance Cleveland Music streaming and licensing. In case you’ve missed it , licensing music is a HUGE deal these days. It is a billion-dollar industry and is growing every day. It will…Continue readingIs ASCAP Lacking Web Technology Expertise?